1979-1983 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Question on Petroleum Spirit – 3 February 1982

Below is the text of Mr Major’s Parliamentary written question on Petroleum Spirit, published on 3rd February 1982.

Mr. Major Asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many licences to store petroleum spirit are issued annually under the terms of the Petroleum (Regulations) Acts 1928 and 1936; and if he will review both the level of the licence fee and the continuation of the licensing system.

Mr. Waddington Licences to store petroleum spirit are issued by local authorities, including harbour authorities. No record of the number of licences issued annually is held centrally, but it has been estimated that there are between 70,000 and 75,000 premises – excluding harbours – in England and Wales where petroleum licences are in force. No figures are available for Scotland, nor is an accurate estimate available for port authorities.

The level of licence fees was last reviewed in 1981. Future reviews will take place annually. The Health and Safety Commission is reviewing all current legislation on the storage and use of highly flammable liquids. One of the issues under consideration is the continuation of the system of licensing petroleum.