1979-1983 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Question on Stamp Duty – 17 July 1979

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Commons question regarding stamp duty, made on 17th July 1979.

Mr. Major asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what sums were yielded by stamp duty on the conveyancing of private property in each of the last three financial years; and what is the estimated yield for the current year.

Mr. Peter Rees The yield of stamp duty from conveyances of all land and buildings in the years 1976–77 to 1979–80 is given below.

                                £ million

1976–77                102

1977–78                134

1978–79                187

1979–80                (est) 265

It is not possible to produce estimates of the yield from conveyances of private property as a separate category.