1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Benefit Claimants – 18 December 1985

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Benefit Claimants on 18th December 1985.

Mr. Caborn Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what proportion of (a) single claimants and (b) couples were interviewed in connection with their claims for Department of Health and Social Security payments at home nationally and in the Sheffield district in the last three years.

Mr. Major The information requested is not available. Statistics kept on home visits do not differentiate between single claimants and couples. However, the total numbers of effective visits made in the last three years were as follows:

Year Ending | Nationally | The Four Sheffield Offices

April 1983 | 3,370,575 | 40,880

April 1984 | 3,515,234 | 38,413

April 1985 | 2,999,693 | 34,398