1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Claimants (Camden) – 19 May 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Claimants (Camden) on 19th May 1986.

Mr. Dobson Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will give for the latest available year (a) the number of disqualifications for unemployment benefit and (b) the number of deductions from supplementary benefit experienced by claimants in Camden on the ground of voluntary unemployment.

Mr. Major [pursuant to his reply, 12 May 1986, c. 384-5]: I regret that information on the number of deductions from supplementary benefit experienced by claimants in Camden on the grounds of voluntary unemployment is not available centrally. Statistics are not kept routinely, so that the information could be obtained only by a special exercise which would be disproportionately expensive.
The Department of Employment informs me that in the year ended 31 March 1986, 888 claims for unemployment benefit were disqualified on the grounds of voluntary unemployment at the two Camden unemployment benefit offices.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what information he has concerning the numbers of war widows who are in receipt only of the Department of Health and Social Security pension.

Mr. Major [pursuant to his reply, 14 May 1986, c. 497]: Of the 65,000 widows receiving war widows pension, a small minority also receive a pension from the Ministry of Defence under the armed forces pension scheme.