1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Housing Benefit – 21 November 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Housing Benefit on 21st November 1986.

Mr. Stephen Ross Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services when he anticipates honouring housing benefit claims submitted by district councils in respect of residents in local authority owned homes in the period prior to 28 July.

Mr. Major The Department makes monthly payments on account to local authorities to enable them to award benefit under the housing benefits scheme, but authorities’ entitlement to subsidy is not established until after the end of the financial year when final audited claims haw been received by the Department. Authorities’ final subsidy claims for housing benefit expenditure in 1985-86, including amounts in respect of residents in local authority accommodation, were due to be submitted by 31 October and will be settled in the normal way.

Final claims for expenditure incurred in the current financial year are not due until October 1987. In the meantime payments on account of subsidy are being withheld on certain benefit expenditure which the Department is not satisfied has been paid in accordance with the housing benefit regulations.