1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Invalid Care Allowance – 17 December 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Invalid Care Allowance on 17th December 1986.

Mr. Anderson Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average waiting time from the date of application for invalid care allowance; how many claimants are still waiting to be dealt with; and what steps he is taking to reduce this period.

Mr. Major As at 5 December, the latest date for which information is available, about 75,000 claims are awaiting decision. Most of these claims are held up by the need to make inquiries of a variety of sources, including the claimants themselves, to obtain further information. The average time taken to process a claim is currently 22.5 weeks. We are taking all practical steps to reduce this period.