1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on the Mobility Allowance – 26 November 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on the Mobility Allowance on 26th November 1986.

Mr. Kirkwood Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) whether the leaflet about retirement pension issued to people about to retire has yet been reprinted to include information about invalidity mobility allowance and the age limits;
(2) whether he has any plans to review the publicity given at present to people approaching retirement age about their entitlement to mobility allowance.

Mr. Major The publicity given to people approaching pension age about the qualifying age conditions for mobility allowance has already been extended. Information will be included from April 1987 in leaflet NP32, “Your Retirement Pension”. This leaflet is freely available in the Department’s local offices and elsewhere, and is sent automatically to anyone within four months of pension age for whom the Department has some record of pension entitlement.

Mr. Kirkwood Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he will carry out a review of the publicity given to those potentially able to qualify for mobility allowance.

Mr. Major The publicity arrangements for mobility allowance are kept under review. A new, revised edition of our explanatory leaflet is in the course of preparation.

Mr. Wigley Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if the Government propose to take steps lo make mobility allowance available to all persons who cannot walk in a predetermined manner because of visual, sensory or mental disablement.

Mr. Major We do not propose to make any significant change in the scope of mobility allowance in advance of the current major survey of disability and our subsequent comprehensive review of benefits for long-term sick and disabled people.