1992Prime Minister (1990-1997)

Mr Major’s Doorstep Interview Following 1992 General Election Results – 10 April 1992

Below is the text of Mr Major’s doorstep interview held outside 10 Downing Street on Friday 10th April 1992.


Prime Minister, you must be feeling proud but very very good indeed?


I am very pleased with the result, it is a result I think that has surprised one or two people but not the Conservative Party, I am very pleased with it and it is nice to be back and I look forward to what we can do in the next five years. We have set out some very clear and very comprehensive plans for our future; to lift us out of recession and to carry out the reforms that we think are right for this country and to build the sort of society that I want to see. I now have a clear majority, it is there for a full Parliament and we can begin that work immediately and I am looking forward to it.


Is there any particular message for those people who did not vote for you?


I think all the people who did not vote for me expressed their views at the ballot box for what they wanted. I shall not forget those views, I have set out the things I care about and the things I wish to achieve. But I am Prime Minister of all this country, for everyone, whether they voted for me or not, and that is something I shall never forget.


Mrs Major, you must be feeling pretty proud at the moment.




Prime Minister, is this going to be a time now of rather violent change, of things you want to do, or is it a calmer time now of consolidation?


It is a time that evolves, we are going to build on what is there, there will be change, of course there will, there always is, one has to change things to respond to changing events. So yes you can expect change but expect it to evolve, expect it to build up gradually, expect it to be right.


If you had one major priority that was going to top your agenda for the next year, what would it be?


The first thing we have to do is to lift this country clear out of recession and back into recovery, that clearly is the thing we need to do first and that we will achieve.