1996Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 12 December 1996

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 12th December 1996.




Sir Peter Tapsell: To ask the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday 12 December.

The Prime Minister: This morning I presided at a meeting of the Cabinet and had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House, I shall be having further meetings later today.


War Pensions

Mr. Alfred Morris: To ask the Prime Minister if he will now publish in the Official Report the ministerial correspondence and discussion papers that led to the change in rules for the award of war pensions for deafness and pension increases for further deterioration.

The Prime Minister: The texts of the address and the background note given to members of the Central Advisory Committee on War Pensions about the change in medical opinion regarding the interaction between service-related noise-induced sensorineural hearing loss and subsequent hearing loss have been placed in the Library. Inter-ministerial correspondence and discussion papers leading up to a change are not normally published.