1995Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 17 May 1995

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 17th May 1995.



Special Advisers

Mr. McMaster: To ask the Prime Minister if he will list the name, former occupation and supervising Minister of each special adviser currently employed from any Government funding source; and if he will list the salary range of such advisers as of 5 May; and if he will make a statement.

The Prime Minister: There are 36 special advisers currently employed by Government Departments; details of their names, former occupations, and Ministers are as follows. For information on the salary range of special advisers I refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave to him on 28 February 1995, Official Report, columns 484-85 .

The following is the information:

Name |Former occupation |Minister


  1. Adams |Personal Assistant to the Right Hon. John Gummer |Secretary of State for the Environment
  2. Barnes |Management Consultant, Boston Consulting Group |Secretary of State for Social Security
  3. Bercow |Director, Rowland Sallingbury Casey |Chief Secretary
  4. Blackwell |Partner, McKinsey and Co. Consultants |Prime Minister
  5. Blunt |Public Affairs Consultant, PI Political |Secretary of State for Defence

Miss A. Broom |Freelance Political Consultant |Secretary of State for Employment

  1. Burke* |Director, Green Alliance |Secretary of State for Environment
  2. Caine |Desk Officer, Conservative Research Department |Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
  3. Collins |Communications Director, Conservative Central Office |Prime Minister

Dr. E. Cottrell |Assistant Director, Conservative Research Department |Secretary of State for Education

Dr. W. Eltis* |Director General, National and Economic Development Office |President of the Board of Trade

Miss C. Fairbairn |Strategy Consultant, McKinsey and Co. Consultants |Prime Minister

  1. Fraser |Assistant Director, Conservative Research Department |Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
  2. Hockley |Economic Adviser, Air Transport Users Council, and Freelance Adviser |Secretary of State for Health

Miss S. Hole |Secretary to Lord Rothschild |Chief Whip

  1. Izatt |Research Assistant to Mr. Raymond Robertson MP |Secretary of State for Scotland
  2. Kemp* |Owner of ODP Nexus Ltd. |President of the Board of Trade
  3. Maclay |Economic Researcher, Pieda plc |Secretary of State for Scotland
  4. Maclay |Associate Editor, “The European” |Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
  5. Marsh |Writer and Researcher on Environment and Local Government, Conservative Central Office |Secretary of State for Health

Ms S. McEwean |Account Executive Namara Cowan Ltd. |Lord Privy Seal

  1. McManus |Desk Officer for Wales, Conservative Central Office |Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
  2. Moman |Self Employed Consultant and Writer |Lord President
  3. O’Connor* |Self Employed Architect |Secretary of State for the Environment

Mrs. K. Ramsay |Desk Officer, Conservative Central Office Research Department |Prime Minister

  1. Rock |Assistant Director Conservative Central Office |Home Secretary
  2. Ruffley |Solicitor, Clifford Chance |Chancellor of the Exchequer
  3. Rutley |Business Development Director, Pepsi Cola |Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
  4. Simmonds |Researcher, BBC Political Research Unit |Secretary of State for Transport
  5. Soskin |Chief Executive of Asquith Courts Schools Ltd. |Prime Minister

Lady Strathnaver |Adviser to Right Hon. Michael Heseltine MP |President of the Board of Trade

  1. True |Director, Public Policy Unit |Prime Minister

Miss A. Warburton |Private Secretary |Prime Minister

Miss R. Whetstone |Head of Political Section, Conservative Central Office |Home Secretary

  1. Williams |Governing Body of Rugby School, also Freelance Journalist and Writer |Secretary of State for Wales
  2. Williams |Company Secretary, Williams Lea Group |Prime Minister


Special advisers fall into two categories, political and those with specialised expertise relevant to their appropriate Secretary of State. The latter are indicated by an asterisk.