1996Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 19 June 1996

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 19th June 1996.




Dr. Michael Clark: To ask the Prime Minister what proportion of those recommended for honours were civil servants, members of the armed forces and Government employees (a) in each of the two years prior to the changes of 1993 and (b) in each year thereafter.

The Prime Minister: Figures for civil servants are not available separately. The proportions of state servants 1 awarded honours in the new year and birthday lists of around 1,000 names each, are listed. The number of military awards 2 shows the number of awards in the defence services lists, which are purely military, issued at the same time following recommendations to the Queen by my right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Defence:

Year | Percentage of state servants (1) | Number of military awards(2)

– ——————————————————————

1991 | 19 | 533

1992 | 19 | 527

1993 | 18 | 475

1994 | 17 | 424

1995 | 16 | 320

1996 | 17 | 315

(1) Figures are for state servants which include not only civil servants in headquarters, professional and local posts, but also those giving wider state service, for example in the museums and galleries field; to both Houses of Parliament; and as circuit judges.

(2) The numbers of military awards include members of the regular and reserve forces but exclude special lists for awards in a designated theatre (during the period from 1991 these have included Northern Ireland and the Gulf). Between 1994 and 1996, 56 meritorious awards were taken from the honours lists and were published separately in operational lists.

Since March 1993, any automatic recognition to staff in particular posts has ceased. Awards for state servants are selected on merit, reflecting service beyond what might normally be expected.