1995Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 24 March 1995

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 24th March 1995.



Scottish Parliament

Mr. Davidson: To ask the Prime Minister if he will place in the Library the sources and calculation behind his statement in January on the extra amount that a Scottish Parliament could cost the average Scot.

The Prime Minister: I have no intention of introducing a Scottish Parliament which would undermine the integrity of the Union and make Scotland the highest taxed part of the United Kingdom. As I said in January, a tax-raising Scottish Parliament able to raise income tax by 3p in the pound could cost the average family on Scottish male average earnings £6 per week. I am arranging for the basis for this calculation to be placed in the House library. Moreover, if identifiable public expenditure in Scotland were to be reduced after the establishment of a Scottish Parliament to the same level per head as the United Kingdom average, the shortfall to be made up by Scottish taxpayers would be equivalent to at least an extra 19p in the pound on income tax. The basis for this calculation is also being placed in House Library.

The proponents of a Scottish Parliament should have calculated the cost to taxpayers in Scotland before they committed themselves to its introduction.


Bank of England

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the Prime Minister whether he will ensure that the replacement for the Deputy Governor of the Bank of England in a senior industrialist or trade unionist who understands manufacturing economy and its needs in competitive industry.

The Prime Minister: The Government will ensure that the person appointed to this post will be the one best qualified to fill it.


Scott Report

Mr. Bermingham: To ask the Prime Minister how soon after the publication of the Scott report the minutes of evidence will be available; and if he will make a statement.

The Prime Minister: The transcripts of the public hearings of Sir Richard Scott’s inquiry are available in the House Library and Westminster city library. In addition, Sir Richard Scott has made it clear that he will publish as soon as practicable following the publication of his report as much as possible of the documentary evidence submitted to the inquiry, including witness statements and the questionnaires sent by the inquiry to the witnesses.