1993Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 28 June 1993

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 28th June 1993.



Low-energy Light Bulbs

Mr. Llew Smith : To ask the Prime Minister what steps have been taken to install low-energy light bulbs at 10 Downing Street and Chequers.

The Prime Minister : Following an energy audit of 10-12 Downing Street high-efficiency, low-energy lamps have been installed where appropriate. Low energy luminaires and krypton tubes have also been installed.

The Chequers estate is the responsibility of the Chequers trust.



Mr. Trimble : To ask the Prime Minister what discussions the Copenhagen EC conference held on closer links between the European Community and Slovenia; and with what result.

The Prime Minister : There was no discussion of this subject at the European Council in Copenhagen.


Cabinet Sub-Committee Decisions

Mr. Cohen : To ask the Prime Minister on how many occasions decisions of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on London have been made known to Parliament and the public.

The Prime Minister : I do not propose to give details of topics considered by individual ministerial committees, the timing of their meetings or their discussions.