1997 – 2001

2nd MAY 1997 – 19th JUNE 1997 – LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION

Mr Major’s Response to the re-election of Betty Boothroyd as Speaker [May 1997]
Mr Major’s Response to the Queen’s Speech [May 1997]
PMQT [21st May 1997] (as Leader of the Opposition)

1997-2001 – BACKBENCH MP

Mr Major’s Speech to Conservative Party Conference [October 1997]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the Debate on Iraq [10th February 1998]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the Debate on Iraq [17th February 1998]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the Scottish Constitutional Issue [4th March 1998]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the National Lottery Bill Debate [7th April 1998]
Mr Major’s Speech to the ERG Conference [2nd July 1998]
Mr Major’s Witness Statement to the BSE Inquiry [6th May 1999] [PDF File]
Mr Major’s Comments During Episode 1 of the BBC’s ‘The Major Years’ [October 1999]
Mr Major’s Article on the National Lottery [8th November 1999]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the Northern Ireland Debate [22nd November 1999]
Mr Major’s Announcement of his Retirement from the House of Commons [10th March 2000]
Mr Major’s Letter to The Times on his Huntingdon Successor [9th June 2000]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the Modernisation of Parliament Debate [22nd July 2000]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the BSE Enquiry Debate [October 2000]
Mr Major’s Comments at Conservative Party Conference Meeting [2nd October 2000]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the European Rapid Reaction Force Debate [November 2000]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the Debate on the Queen’s Speech [13th December 2000]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the Fox Hunting Debate [20th December 2000]
Mr Major’s Contribution to the 2001 Budget Resolutions Debate [12th March 2001]