Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Overseas Investments – 31 March 1988

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Overseas Investments on 31st March 1988.

Mr. Cran To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the amount of earnings from overseas investments in 1987–88; what proportion this constitutes of the national income; and what are the comparable figures for the preceding five years.

Mr. Major The figures are shown in the table.

Year | Net earnings on overseas assets in £ million (1) | Per cent. of GDP1982–83 | 2,056 | 0.7
1983–84 | 2,678 | 0.9
1984–85 | 4,493 | 1.4
1985–86 | 2,905 | 0.8
1986–87 | 5,629 | 1.4
1987–88 (2) | 4,196 | 1.3

(1) In respect of United Kingdom investments overseas less overseas investments in the United Kingdom.
(2) First three quarters only available.