Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on the Gross Domestic Product – 3 March 1988

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on the Gross Domestic Product on 3rd March 1988.

Mr. Wigley To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will give the latest figures for levels of gross domestic product per capita in each of the United Kingdom regions.

Mr. Major Provisional figures for gross domestic product per capita by standard region are available on page 86 of Economic Trends, November 1987, a copy of which is in the House of Commons Library. The figures are as shown:

Gross domestic product per head (£), factor cost: current prices;
Region | 1986 (2)

North | 5,142
Yorkshire and Humberside | 5,215
East Midlands | 5,378
East Anglia | 5,643
South East | 6,575
South West | 5,380
West Midlands | 5,069
North West | 5,232
Wales | 4,795
Scotland | 5,234
Northern Ireland | 3,889
United Kingdom (1) 5,597

(1) Excluding the Continental Shelf region.
(2) Provisional.