1979-1983 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Question on the Youth Opportunities Programme – 18 November 1981

Below is the text of Mr Major’s Parliamentary written question on the Youth Opportunities Programme, published on 18th November 1981.

Mr. Major Asked the Secretary of State for Employment whether he is satisfied with the average delay between applications by employers to take part in the youth opportunities programme and approval of their schemes; and if he has plans to speed up this process.

Mr. Alison The average delay between sponsors’ applications and the approval of schemes is now about four weeks. The commission has temporarily transferred staff from its employment service to help with backlogs of applications, and I am satisfied that this measure will be effective in reducing delays.

A Rayner scrutiny of the commission’s special programmes procedures at regional and area offices has recently been completed and the recommendations in the report – some of which cover the speeding up of scheme approvals – are now being considered.