1979-1983 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Question on Poland – 4 February 1982

The text of Mr Major’s Parliamentary written question on Poland, published on 4th February 1982.

Mr. Major Asked the Prime Minister if she will make a further statement on the current situation in Poland following the communiqué issued by the Foreign Ministers of the EEC at their meeting in Brussels on 4 January.

The Prime Minister The Foreign Ministers of the member States of NATO met on 11 January and issued a declaration, a copy of which has been placed in the Library of the House. Since then the North Atlantic Council has met twice to review the situation. At the second of these meetings, held yesterday, it was noted with regret that the Polish military regime had not taken any of the three steps to which the Foreign Ministers attached particular importance – lifting of martial law, release of those arrested and resumption of a dialogue with the Church and Solidarity – nor has the Soviet Union ceased to bring pressure to bear upon Poland. In the circumstances it was agreed to pursue and as necessary strengthen actions along the lines set out in the ministerial declaration of 11 January. So far as Britain is concerned, the House will be informed as soon as possible of the measures being taken by Her Majesty’s Government.