1979-1983 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Question on Roads (Cambridgeshire) – 12 February 1982

The text of Mr Major’s Parliamentary written question on Roads (Cambridgeshire), published on 12th February 1982.

Mr. Major Asked the Secretary of State for Transport when he expects to conclude the joint study with Cambridgeshire county council of junctions and crossings in that county; and if he will set out the objectives of this review.

Mr. Kenneth Clarke My Department has asked the county council as its agent to study the Al trunk road in Cambridgeshire in order to identify any need for improvement, particularly at junctions and gaps in the central reservation. This is a continuing study which will be reviewed regularly as part of the Department’s management of the trunk toad network. Any improvements found to be justified will be included in a works programme as early as possible, subject to the availability of funds.