1979-1983 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Question on Train Drivers – 3 March 1982

Below is the text of Mr Major’s Parliamentary written question on Train Drivers, published on 3rd March 1982.

Mr. Major Asked the Secretary of State for Transport if he will publish any information he has on the rostering systems of railway drivers and staff in other European countries.

Mr. David Howell I understand that in four European countries the rostering systems for railways drivers is as follows. In all cases variable day rostering is the normal practice and no distinction is made between single-manned turns and the small proportion of turns which are double manned. I do not have information about other countries.

Country | Minimum Turn (hours) | Maximum Turn (hours)

France | No information | 9

Germany | 6 | 12

Holland | 5 | 9

Sweden | 2 | 10