1979-1983 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Question on the Manpower Services Commission – 16 June 1982

Below is the text of Mr Major’s Parliamentary written question on the Manpower Services Commission, published on 16th June 1982.

Mr. Major Asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will set out in the Official Report the current staff level and prospective staff establishment of the headquarters of the Manpower Services Commission in Sheffield, together with details of its cost.

Mr. Peter Morrison The head office staff of the Manpower Services Commission in London is being dispersed to Sheffield. The employment services division is already there, and the transfer of the other divisions is expected to be completed by the end of 1982. The total number of staff in the MSC head office in all locations at 1 April 1982 –including casual staff – was 2,075, and expenditure on salaries etc. in 1981-82 was £20.1 million. In its corporate plan for 1982-86 the commission has assessed its total head office staff requirements for 1984-85 as 2,158 and their cost as £20.9 million. These figures take account of additional costs for the administration of YOP and the youth training scheme, and of further economies in head office staffing.

Mr. Major Asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will review the staffing level of the headquarters of the Manpower Services Commission; and if he is satisfied with the cost-efficiency of its administration.

Mr. Peter Morrison The chairman of the commission is responsible for the efficient and cost effective use of the staff it employs in discharging its responsibilities. I am assured that staffing reviews are being carried out in head office branches already in Sheffield and that other reviews are planned as work is transferred there under the dispersal programme, and I am satisfied that these reviews will ensure that MSC’s head office staff are properly employed.