1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Data Protection – 28 October 1985

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Data Protection on 28th October 1985.

Mr. Dalyell Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services, pursuant to his reply of 22 July, Official Report, column 400, if he will make a further statement on his review of the arrangements for preserving confidentiality in all computerised systems in the light of the Data Protection Act.

Mr. Major We are now well advanced in the process of identifying all the computer systems within the Department which contain personal data and preparing arrangements for registration under the Data Protection Act, and steps have been taken to ensure compliance with the data protection principles. Security officers have been designated for all major data processing projects and installations, and guidance on security standards for computer systems is being prepared. All staff in the Department have been given information about the requirements of the Act, including a reminder of the need to preserve the confidentiality of personal information.

Further information and training will be tailored to the needs of the particular groups of staff handling personal data.