1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Finsbury Park and Archway – 19 November 1985

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Finsbury Park and Archway on 19th November 1985.

Mr. Corbyn Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what are the numbers of claimants at the Finsbury Park and Archway offices of his Department in receipt of (a) supplementary benefit and (b) single payments for furniture in September of each year since 1979.

Mr. Major The table shows the number of claimants receiving supplementary benefit from the Department’s offices at Finsbury Park and Archway on 30 July 1985 – the latest available figures – and at comparative dates in each of the preceding five years. Figures for 1979 are not now available.

Year | Finsbury Park | Archway (Highgate)

1980 | 10,143 | 11,775

1981 | 12,859 | 13,981

1982 | 15,215 | 16,679

1983 | 15,929 | 16,276

1984 | 17,507 | 17,072

1985 | 18,023 | 18,332

Source 100 per cent. count of cases in action.

Information is not available from which reliable estimates could be made of the number of single payments made for furniture by individual offices for any period. Statistics are collected monthly on the total number of all single payments made by each office and although later information for these offices is available, for comparison purposes details of awards of all single payments for the 4 week period ending 30 July 1985 and of the same periods in the preceding five years are given as follows:

Year | Finsbury Park | Archway (Highgate)

1980 | 245 | 242

1981 | 175 | 178

1982 | 224 | 167

1983 | 342 | 236

1984 | 324 | 348

1985 | 723 | 481

Figures for 1979 are not now available.

Note: Since April 1984 the basis of counting single payment awards has changed. Now unsuccessful claims and separate payments made simultaneously to the same beneficiary but under different single payment regulations are also included.