1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Age Addition – 21 November 1985

The text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Age Addition on 21st November 1985.

Mr. Alton Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many people are currently in receipt of the age addition; and what is the anticipated increase in eligibility over each of the next 10 years.

Mr. Major At March 1984 some 1,670,000 people over age 80 in Great Britain were in receipt of age addition.

It is estimated that numbers over the next 10 years will be as follows:

Year | Number

1985-86 | 1,710,000
1986-87 | 1,760,000
1987-88 | 1,810,000
1988-89 | 1,870,000
1989-90 | 1,910,000
1990-91 | 1,960,000
1991-92 | 1,990,000
1992-93 | 2,030,000
1993-94 | 2,070,000
1994-95 | 2,100,000