1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Housing Benefit – 19 December 1985

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Housing Benefit on 19th December 1985.

Mr. Gordon Brown Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will estimate the cost of housing benefit in (a) 1985-86, (b) 1986-87, (c) 1987-88, (d) 1988-89 and (e) 1989-90, respectively.

Mr. Major The figures for the total cost of housing benefit underlying the last public expenditure White Paper (Cmnd. 9428) published in January 1985, are £4,330 million in 1985-86, £4,500 million in 1986-87 and £4,600 million in 1987-88 including rate rebates which do not count as public expenditure. Up to date estimates for those years, and an estimate for 1988-89 will be included in the next public expenditure White Paper to be published in January.