1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Supplementary Benefit – 20 January 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Supplementary Benefit on 20th January 1986.

Mr. Walters Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he has received any representations from individuals seeking to reveal the addresses of supplementary benefit claimants for the purpose of private litigation to recover outstanding debts.

Mr. Major Requests of this kind have been received from time to time. For reasons of preserving confidentiality, addresses of claimants are not provided to other individuals for the purpose of pursuing private litigation in which the Department does not have a direct interest.

Mr. Walters Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will seek powers to introduce a scheme whereby his Department deducts specific amounts from supplementary benefit claimants who have changed addresses and cannot be traced by individual creditors.

Mr. Major We have no present plans to do so.