1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Retirement Pensioners (Overseas) – 15 May 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Retirement Pensioners (Overseas) on 15th May 1986.

Ms. Richardson Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will list each country or dependency outside the United Kingdom where United Kingdom retirement pensioners are known to live and draw their pension, showing for each country how many pensioners there are, whether they get pension increases and, for those countries where they do not, what is the average pension paid.

Mr. Major United Kingdom retirement pensions are paid to beneficiaries living in the following countries outside the United Kingdom. The number of beneficiaries in each country at 31 December 1985 (the latest date for which figures are available) is shown in each case. The average pension paid in countries where no increases are payable is £13.32.

Country | Number

Albania | 5

Algeria | 1

Andorra | 88

Angola | 1

Anguilla | 49

Antigua | 119

Argentina | 133

Australia | 96,126

Austria | 1,867

Bahamas | 106

Bahrain | 15

Bangladesh | 1,253

Barbados | 729

Belgium | 2,449

Belize | 10

Bermuda | 241

Bolivia | 4

Botswana | 38

Brazil | 133

Brunei | 9

Bulgaria | 9

Burma | 7

Cameroon | 4

Canada | 54,388

Cayman Islands | 22

Chile | 38

China | 7

Colombia | 23

Cook Islands | 5

Costa Rica | 5

Cyprus | 2,159

Czechoslovakia | 25

Denmark | 239

Djibouti | 3

Dominica, Commonwealth of | 233

Dominican Republic | 132

East Germany | 13

Ecuador | 9

Egypt | 34

El Salvador | 1

Ethiopia | 4

Falkland Islands and Dependencies | 6

Faroe Islands | 1

Fiji | 27

Finland | 35

France | 4,520

Gabon | 1

Gambia | 5

Ghana | 44

Gibraltar | 277

Greece | 639

Grenada | 298

Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Reunion Island | 6

Guatemala | 3

Guernsey | 4,489

Guyana | 124

Haiti | 1

Honduras | 2

Hong Kong | 331

Hungary | 138

Iceland | 17

India | 2,580

Indonesia | 13

Iraq | 3

Irish Republic | 38,744

Israel | 1,891

Italy | 6,974

Jamaica | 9,327

Japan | 42

Jersey | 5,652

Jordan | 7

Kenya | 345

Kiribati (Gilbert Islands) | 2

Kuwait | 6

Lebanon | 26

Lesotho | 6

Liberia | 4

Libyan Arab Republic | 2

Luxembourg | 49

Madagascar | 2

Malawi | 38

Malaya | 45

Malta | 1,480

Mauritius | 87

Mexico | 56

Monaco | 160

Montserrat | 180

Morocco | 28

Mozambique | 1

Nauru, Republic of | 2

Nepal | 14

Netherlands | 1,598

Netherlands Antilles | 6

New Zealand | 23,167

Nigeria | 69

Norfolk Island | 11

Norway | 119

Oman | 8

Pakistan | 3,369

Panama | 7

Papua New Guinea | 17

Peru | 34

Philippines | 34

Poland | 2,459

Portugal (including Madeira) | 1,131

Puerto Rico | 3

Qatar | 6

Rumania | 19

Rwanda | 2

St. Helena and Dependencies | 30

St. Kitts-Nevis | 277

St. Lucia | 350

St. Vincent | 237

Sarawak | 2

Sark | 64

Saudi Arabia | 23

Senegal | 8

Seychelles | 24

Sierra Leone | 33

Singapore | 60

Solomon Islands | 4

Somalia | 134

South Africa | 18,819

South Korea | 2

South West Africa or Namibia | 13

Spain (including Balearic and Canary Islands) | 11,734

Sri Lanka | 94

Sudan | 9

Swaziland | 42

Sweden | 64

Switzerland | 1,552

Syria | 1

Taiwan | 2

Tanzania | 39

Thailand | 31

Togo | 1

Tonga | 3

Trinidad and Tobago | 251

Tunisia | 8

Turkey | 192

Turks and Caicos Islands | 2

Uganda | 12

United Arab Emirates | 22

United States of America | 32,077

USSR | 741

Uruguay | 16

Vanuatu (New Hebrides) | 1

Venezuela | 26

Virgin Islands | 29

Western Samoa | 7

West Germany | 7,863

Yemen Arab Republic (North) | 719

Yemen, People’s Democratic Republic of (South) | 87

Yugoslavia | 964

Zaire | 5

Zambia | 86

Zimbabwe | 3,498

Travelling | 42

Address not known | 828

Countries not recorded (people in transit) | 5,733

The following numbers live in countries in which benefit is paid at current or partially unfrozen rates.

Country | Number

Austria | 1,867

Belgium | 2,449

Bermuda | 241

Cyprus | 2,159

Denmark | 239

Finland | 35

France | 4,520

Germany, Federal Republic | 7,863

Gibraltar | 277

Greece | 639

Guernsey | 4,489

Iceland | 17

Irish Republic | 38,744

Israel | 1,891

Italy | 6,974

Jamaica | 9,327

Jersey | 5,652

Luxembourg | 49

Malta | 1,480

Mauritius | 87

Netherlands | 1,598

Portugal | 1,131

Sark | 64

Spain (including Balearic and Canary Islands) | 11,734

Switzerland | 1,552

Turkey | 192

United States of America | 32,077

Yugoslavia | 964