1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Single Payments – 26 June 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Single Payments on 26th June 1986.

Mr. Frank Field Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (a) how many single payments have been made under regulation 28 of the Supplementary Benefit (Single Payments) Regulations for each year since November 1981 to the following categories of claimants: (i) pensioners, (ii) unemployed, (iii) sick and disabled, (iv) single parents and (v) others, (b) the cost by year and on average for each category, (c) how many of these payments have been made to the long-term unemployed, (d) how much the Government expect to save by their abolitions and (e) what is the margin of error which should be taken into account in the figures.

Mr. Nellist Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will state (a) how many single payments have been made under regulation 28 of the Supplementary Benefit (Single Payments) Regulations for each year since November 1981 to the following categories of claimants: (i) pensioners, (ii) unemployed, (iii) sick and disabled, (iv) single parents and (v) others, (b) what was the cost, by year and on average for each category, (c) how many of these payments have been made to the long-term unemployed, (d) how much Her Majesty’s Government expect to save by the abolition and (e) what is the margin of error in the figures.

Mr. Major I shall let the hon. Members have a reply as soon as possible.