1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Departmental Publications (Welsh Language) – 27 June 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Departmental Publications (Welsh Language) on 27th June 1986.

Mr. Wigley Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if, pursuant to his answer of 13 June to the hon. Member for Caernarfon, Official Report, column 365, he will state what constitutes economic viability in the context of decisions on whether to print bilingual Welsh/English forms, leaflets, posters and other printed matter produced by his Department in Wales.

Mr. Major The decision on the economic viability of translating Department of Health and Social Security forms, leaflets and posters into the Welsh language depends on the frequency of demand. If the Department receives or anticipates, regular requests for a particular item it would, as a general rule, consider this as justifying the expense of translation, reproduction and distribution to local offices. This judgment is made by local and regional management.