1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Dental Charges – 30 June 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Dental Charges on 30th June 1986.

Mr. Wainwright Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services when he intends to make available to social security officers and dental surgeries leaflets P11 (Prescriptions) and D11 (Dental Treatment) stating the current charges for these services as uprated on 1 April; if he will give the reasons for the delay in making these leaflets available; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Major Dental charges have not been increased since April 1985. Leaflet D11 (Dental Treatment) has current prices and has been widely available since then. It will be replaced in July.

The new edition of P11 (Prescription Charges) will be available in July. A poster announcing the new prescription charges has been widely available since they were introduced in April.

The new P11 will give details of the new charges and of the qualifying income levels for exemption from charges. These new exemption levels come into effect with the social security benefit up-rating in July. It would not have been economic to have produced a leaflet only for the period April to July 1986.

The reform of social security benefits will align social security up-ratings with other budgetary change.