1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on the Social Security Act 1986 – 3 November 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on the Social Security Act 1986 on 3rd November 1986.

Mr. Frank Field Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services, following the passing of the Social Security Act 1986, how many people have so far been affected or excluded from benefit as a result of (a) the ending of industrial disablement benefit for disablement below 14 per cent., (b) paying industrial disablement benefit of between 14 per cent. and 19 per cent. at the 20 per cent. rate, (c) the abolition of reduced rate unemployment and sickness benefit and maternity allowance for new claimants, (d) the extension of voluntary unemployment disqualification from six weeks to 13 weeks and (e) ending dependency additions in respect of dependants who are on strike.

Mr. Major I regret that this information is not available. The effects of the changes to the industrial injuries scheme and the extension of voluntary unemployment disqualification will be monitored, but no figures are yet available.