1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on the Restart Scheme – 6 November 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on the Restart Scheme on 6th November 1986.

Mr. Deakins Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many of the persons who left the unemployed count by September 1986 following invitation to a restart counselling interview or attendance at such an interview now receive supplementary benefit.

Mr. Major Up to 11 September 1986, the number of people who had left the unemployment count as a result of restart but continued to receive supplementary benefit without being required to be available for employment was 55. In addition, 3,857 people had returned to the unemployment count having previously left following an invitation to, or attendance at, a restart counselling interview. Of these, the majority will be in receipt of supplementary benefit.

Mr. Dewar Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many people in Scotland have had their unemployment benefit disallowed as a result of failing to attend an interview for the restart scheme.

Mr. Major Up to 9 September 1986, the latest date for which figures are available for the national restart scheme, a total of 1,133 people in Scotland had their benefit disallowed as a result of failing to attend an interview. Of these, 21 received only unemployment benefit. The other 1,112 either had supplementary benefit of a combination of both benefits. A further breakdown of the figures is not available.