1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Special Medical Boards – 24 November 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Special Medical Boards on 24th November 1986.

Mr. Dobson Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services on how many occasions hon. and right hon. Members have written to him about individual findings of the special medical boards in 1985.

Mr. Major I shall let the hon. Member have a reply as soon as possible.

Mr. Dobson Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what advice is available to sufferers from non-malignant respiratory diseases such as asbestosis and bilateral diffuse pleural thickening in relation to applications to special medical boards.

Mr. Major Advice is available in leaflets NI2, NI3 and NI237 issued by the Department. In addition, staff in local social security offices are always willing to give help and advice to claimants.