Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Consumer Expenditure – 28 April 1988

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Consumer Expenditure on 28th April 1988.

Mr. Fisher To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the level of consumer expenditure in each of the last five years on (a) books, (b) records and audio tapes, (c) video tapes, (d) cinema, (e) theatre, (f) live arts, (g) newspapers and periodicals, (h) restaurants, (i) alcoholic drinks, (j) sport and (k) leisure.

Mr. Major [holding answer 26 April 1988]: Not all the categories of expenditure mentioned in the question are separately distinguished in the consumers’ expenditure estimates compiled and published by the Central Statistical Office. The table gives figures of consumers’ expenditure as closely as possible with the categories requested. A detailed breakdown of consumers’ expenditure is published annually in the United Kingdom National Accounts (the CSC) Blue Book). An even finer level of breakdown is shown in an analysis available on subscription from the Central Statistical Office. This is the source of the figures given in this answer and I am arranging to have the latest version of the analysis placed in the House of Commons Library.