Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Output Statistics – 8 November 1988

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Output Statistics on 8th November 1988.

Mr. Austin Mitchell To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will bring up to date the figures for output per head of the working population given in his answer dated 2 March 1987,Official Report, column 521, including an estimate for the current year; and if he will add broadly comparable figures for 1958, 1963 and 1968 together with the average annual increase between 1958 and 1973, 1973 and 1988, and 1979 and 1988.

Mr. Major The information requested is given in the table:

Year | Output (per head of workforce excluding class 13)

(1985 = 100)
1959 | 69.2
1963 | 74.8
1968 | 87.3
1972 | 95.1
1973 | 99.1
1974 | 97.6
1975 | 94.8
1976 | 95.6
1977 | 96.8
1978 | 99.2
1979 | 99.9
1980 | 96.2
1981 | 94.4
1982 | 95.8
1983 | 98.4
1984 | 98.4
1985 | 100.0
1986 | 102.1
1987 | 106.5

Year | Average annual increase percent.
1959 to 1973 | 2.6
1973 to 1987 | 0.5
1979 to 1987 | 0.8

1. Based on mid-year estimates of the workforce.
2. 1959 is given as the first year because consistent figures on employees are not available earlier.
3. Figures on output for 1988 are not yet available.
4. Figures refer to United Kingdom.