Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Industrial Investment – 6 February 1989

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Industrial Investment on 6th February 1989.

Mr. Butterfill To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the volume of private sector investment in British industry for the last year for which figures are available, excluding leased assets; what were the comparable figures for the previous 12 month period; and if he will express both figures as a percentage of gross domestic product.

Mr. Major The information requested is as follows:

Industrial investment (1) | £ million at 1985 prices | as a percentage of GDP (2)
1986 Q4–1987 Q3 26,357 8.1
1987 Q4–1988 Q3 30,457 9.0

1 Investment in the manufacturing, construction, distribution and financial industries.
2 The average measure of GDP at factor cost.

DTI capital expenditure press notice (15 December 1988).
CSO gross domestic product press notice (19 December 1988).