Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Government Expenditure – 8 June 1989

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Government Expenditure on 8th June 1989.

Mr. David Evans To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the amount of central Government expenditure in 1988–89 expressed as a percentage of money gross domestic product; and what were the comparable figures for the previous five years.

Mr. Major The latest available information on the percentage of money GDP at market prices accounted for by central Government expenditure is given in the table. The central Government figures on which the percentages are based exclude privatisation proceeds and grants to local authorities but include debt interest payments.

Year | Per cent.
1983–84 34.00
1984–85 34.50
1985–86 33.50
1986–87 33.00
1987–88 31.25

(1) 1988–89 2900
(1) April-December only.

Mr. David Davis To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what has been the fall in general Government expenditure as a share of gross domestic product since 1982–83.

Mr. Jacques Arnold To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what has been the fall in general Government expenditure as a share of gross domestic product since 1982–83.

Mr. Redwood To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what has been the fall in general Government expenditure as a share of gross domestic product since 1982–83.

Mr. Major The 1989 Financial Statement and Budget Report gave a figure of 39.5 per cent. for the ratio of general Government expenditure (excluding privatisation proceeds) to gross domestic product in 1988–89. The corresponding figure for 1982–83 was 46.25 per cent.