1992Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 17 January 1992

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 17th January 1992.



Oxleas Wood

Mr. Simon Hughes : To ask the Prime Minister when he last visited Oxleas Wood, south-east London; and if he will make a statement. The

Prime Minister : I have not visited Oxleas Wood.


European Union

Mr. Spearing : To ask the Prime Minister, pursuant to his answer of 13 January, Official Report, column 470, concerning the inclusion in the draft treaty of European union of a reference to the role and significance of European parties, when he expects to receive a draft formulation from the presidency; when he expects to lay this before Parliament; and what is the objective of the provision.

The Prime Minister : The Portuguese presidency has proposed the following draft treaty article :

“Political parties at European level are important as a factor for integration within the Union. They contribute to forming a European awareness and to expressing the political will of the citizens of the Union”.

Discussion is continuing in Brussels as to where this article should appear in the treaty. This is one of a number of technical points which will be settled before signature in early February. The text of the treaty will be published in the normal way after signature.


Advisory Council on Science and Technology

Dr. Bray : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list the current members of the Advisory Council on Science and Technology; if he will give the date of their original appointment; and what is the date on which their current term of office will end.

The Prime Minister : The current members of the Advisory Council on Science and Technology are as listed. In addition, the chief scientific adviser, Cabinet Office, Professor William Stewart, attends council meetings. Departmental chief scientists/scientific advisers are also invited to attend most meetings.

Name |Date of original appointment |Appointment ends


Sir Robin Nicholson (Chairman) |July 1990 |July 1993

Executive Director, Pilkington plc

Professor Roy Anderson |July 1989 |July 1992

Department of Pure & Applied Biology Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine

Professor Sir Michael Atiyah |July 1991 |July 1994

President, The Royal Society

Professor Michael Brady |July 1990 |July 1993

Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

Lord Chilver |May 1989 |<1> n/a

Chairman, Universities Funding Council

Dr. Peter Doyle |July 1989 |July 1992

Director of Research and Technology, Imperial Chemical Industries plc

Mr. Ian Harvey |July 1989 |July 1992

Chief Executive, British Technology Group

Mr. Keith Henry |July 1991 |July 1994

Chief Executive, Brown and Root Ltd.

Sir Graham Hills |July 1987 |<2>July 1993

Past Principal of University of Strathclyde

Dr. Nigel Horne |July 1990 |July 1993

Head of IT Practice, KPMG Management Consulting

Professor Christopher Llewellyn Smith |July 1989 |July 1992

Chairman of Physics, University of Oxford

Professor Leonard Maunder |July 1987 |July 1993 <2>

Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Professor Sir David Phillips |July 1987 | <1> n/a

Chairman, Advisory Board for the Research Councils

Professor Gareth Roberts |July 1989 |July 1992

Vice Chancellor, University of Sheffield

Sir Alfred Shepperd |July 1989 |July 1992

Former Chairman and Chief Executive, Wellcome plc

Dr. David Smith |July 1987 |<2>July 1993


Dr. William Wilkinson |July 1990 |July 1993

Deputy Chief Executive, British Nuclear Fuels plc

Sir Martin Wood |July 1990 |July 1993

Deputy Chairman, Oxford Instruments Group plc

<1> Lord Chilver and Professor Sir David Phillips are ex-officio members in their capacities as chairman of the Universities Funding Council and Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Research Councils respectively.

<2> Members in their second term.


Staff Salaries

Mr. Winnick : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list the number of those employed in his office, their position and the salary range in each case, excluding secretarial and clerical staff.

The Prime Minister : The number of those currently employed in my office excluding Secretarial and clerical staff and paid from public funds are :–

Positions Held |Grade


1 Principal Private Secretary |Grade 2

1 Private Secretary-Overseas Affairs |Grade 3

1 Private Secretary-Economic Affairs |Grade 5

1 Private Secretary-Parliamentary Affairs |Grade 7

1 Private Secretary-Home Affairs |Grade 7

1 Secretary for Appointments |Grade 5

1 Chief Press Officer |Grade 3

1 Deputy Chief Press Officer |Grade 5

1 Policy Adviser |Grade 3

1 Policy Adviser |Grade 5

1 Security Co-ordinator |Grade 7

2 Assistant Private Secretaries |SEO

1 Parliamentary Clerk |HEO

5 Special Advisers |-

3 Senior Information Officers |-

4 Higher Executive Officers |-

11 Executive Officers |-

It is not our practice to reveal the salaries of individual advisers as they are individually negotiated in relation to previous outside earnings and are therefore confidential. The rest are paid in accordance with the civil service pay scales.



Mr. Winnick : To ask the Prime Minister how many television sets there are at 10 Downing Street; and how many television licences are held for 10 Downing Street.

The Prime Minister : Nineteen television sets are currently in use at 10 Downing Street. No licence fees are payable for television sets on Crown property used for Government purposes.