1993Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 25 May 1993

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 25th May 1993.



Manchester Airport

Q6. Mr. Mans : To ask the Prime Minister when he next intends to visit Manchester airport.

Mr. Newton : I have been asked to reply.

My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has at present no plans to do so.


Environmental Appraisal

Mr. Chris Smith : To ask the Prime Minister which Government Departments have carried out an environmental appraisal of their policy-making and administrative procedures.

The Prime Minister : All Departments must ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account in developing their policies and programmes. Papers to Cabinet and ministerial committees should, where appropriate, cover any significant costs or benefits to the environment. We are firmly committed to the principle that “green issues” must be built into decision taking throughout Government.



Mr. Harry Greenway : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Tuesday 25 May.

Sir Peter Tapsell : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Tuesday 25 May.

Mr. Newton : I have been asked to reply.

My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister is attending the unveiling of a memorial statue to Field Marshal the Viscount Alanbrooke by Her Majesty the Queen as is, I understand, the Leader of the official Opposition.


Smoke Alarms

Mr. Barnes : To ask the Prime Minister if he will make it his policy to ensure that smoke alarms are fitted in all new publicly owned dwellings and buildings.

The Prime Minister : It has been policy to provide smoke alarms in all new dwellings since 1 June 1992.

Smoke alarms in other buildings–whether public or privately owned–are normally required under licensing or certification arrangements where appropriate.