1993Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 30 November 1993

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 30th November 1993.



National Identity Card

Mr. Spellar : To ask the Prime Minister, pursuant to his answer of 25 November, Official Report, column 107, which Departments are keeping the question of a national identity card under review.

The Prime Minister : The question of a national identity card scheme is a matter for the Home Office.



Mr. Alfred Morris : To ask the Prime Minister if he expects to be able to meet the Government’s commitment to provide 153,000 homes for those in housing need by the year 1995-96.

The Prime Minister : Yes.


Crime Prevention

Mrs. Roche : To ask the Prime Minister how often the ministerial group on crime prevention meets; when it last met; and in what form its deliberations are published.

The Prime Minister : The ministerial group on crime prevention meets about three times per year. The last meeting was held on 16 November 1993. Its most recent report, entitled “Reducing the Costs of Crime : Measures Taken by Government Departments”, was published in November 1992; a copy has been placed in the Library of the House. The minutes of its meetings are not published.


Fund-raising Events

Mr. Mullin : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list the fund-raising events for which (a) 10 Downing street and (b) Chequers have been used for events since he became Prime Minister; what events are planned for the future; and if he will make a statement.

The Prime Minister : Since November 1990 there have been a total of 31 receptions, dinners or other functions at No. 10 Downing street for charities or voluntary bodies and three at Chequers. The organisations concerned were :

(a) 10 Downing Street


Surrey County Cricket Club Youth Trust

Lords Taverners


Age Concern


Wordsworth Trust

Huntington’s Disease Association

Action Research

Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust

National Council of Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Crossroads Care (two functions)

Animal Health Trust


Youth Clubs (UK)


Silver Trust

Marie Curie Cancer Care

Excalibur Scheme


Westminster Foundation for Democracy

London Community Cricket Association

International Spinal Research Trust

Cambridge Arts Theatre Trust


Leeds International Piano Competition

Westminster Medical School Research Trust

The Shakespeare Globe Trust

National Council for Voluntary Organisations

Consortium for Street Children

(b) Chequers




I am not prepared to give advance notice of functions at No. 10 or at Chequers, whether official or non-official.

Mr. Beith : To ask the Prime Minister what plans he has to permit fund-raising events to be held at No. 10 Downing street; which organisations will be eligible to apply for such functions; and what charges will be levied for the use of the premises, attendance of staff and other costs which might otherwise fall on public funds.

The Prime Minister : When charitable or other non-official events are held at No. 10 Downing street, the organisers are responsible for all catering and staff costs, as well as other miscellaneous direct costs. Organisers may use the kitchens or other facilities at No. 10 Downing street.

Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Prime Minister how many functions have been held at 10 Downing street since 5 July at which funds have been raised for political parties, or for which tickets have been sold for the benefit of political parties.

The Prime Minister : None.

Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Prime Minister if he will make it his policy to allow 10 Downing Street to be made available to political parties other than the Conservative party for the purposes of fund raising.

The Prime Minister [holding answer 29 November 1993] : As under previous Administrations, the use of 10 Downing Street for non-official or party functions is a matter for the Prime Minister.


Security and Intelligence Agencies

Sir David Mitchell : To ask the Prime Minister what is the expenditure of the security and intelligence agencies.

The Prime Minister : The aggregate provision for the security and intelligence agencies in 1994-95 will be around £900 million, including about £100 million for the attributed costs of Ministry of Defence personnel who mainly assist GCHQ in its functions. The provision for the agencies is planned to reduce by over 4 per cent. in the following two years.

Precise figures for the 1994-95 aggregate budget will be given in the main estimate for the new single intelligence vote, to be presented to Parliament next March, after appropriate charging arrangements for departmental support for the agencies have been determined.

The provision for 1993-94 is carried in part by the Cabinet Office– £197 million on class XIX, vote 2 “Cabinet Office : Secret Service”– and in part by the Ministry of Defence, roughly 80 per cent. of the balance, and the Foreign Office, 20 per cent., which at present carry the whole of the cost of GCHQ.