1995Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 24 February 1995

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 24th February 1995.



East Timor

Mrs. Clwyd: To ask the Prime Minister what plans he has to raise the question of Indonesia’s illegal occupation of East Timor at future meetings of the Group of Seven.

The Prime Minister: None.


Scott Inquiry

Mr. Cousins: To ask the Prime Minister if Lord Justice Scott’s inquiry has now finished taking new evidence or information; if interview sessions have now ceased; and on what date the last interview was held.

The Prime Minister: The last public hearing of Sir Richard Scott’s inquiry was held on 7 July 1994, while the last evidence taken in private was on 14 February 1995. Sir Richard Scott has made it clear that, as he compiles his report and as the need arises, he will seek further evidence or information.


Back to Basics

Mr. Cohen: To ask the Prime Minister what have been the results of his “back to basics” campaign.

The Prime Minister: The hon. Member has misunderstood. “Back to basics” is a principle based on the common-sense values of the British people–in particular, individual responsibility.