1995Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 28 April 1995

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 28th April 1995.


Nurses’ Pay

Mr. Mark Robinson: To ask the Prime Minister if he will make a statement about nurses’ pay.

The Prime Minister: The report for 1995-96 of the Independent Review Body for Nursing Staff, Midwives, Health Visitors and Professions Allied to Medicine was published on 9 February 1995. The review body recommended a 1 per cent. national increase in pay, with additional increases to be negotiated locally. The Government accepted the review body’s recommendations in full. I am advised that offers have been made by 175 NHS trusts. Since the vast majority meet the nurses demand for a rise of 3 per cent., I assume that the offers are acceptable to them. It was that to which I was referring in the House yesterday.