1996Prime Minister (1990-1997)

Mr Major’s Arrival Statement in Prague – 17 April 1996

Below is the text of Mr Major’s arrival statement made in Prague on Wednesday 17th April 1996.


Perhaps I can firstly thank the Prime Minister for the invitation to return to Prague. I am always delighted to be here. Four years is a long time and I am very pleased to be back.

We have a number of things I believe that we will want to discuss this evening and tomorrow morning. Firstly of course the developing relationship between the Czech Republic and the European Union, and the prospects which we warmly welcome in the United Kingdom of the Czechs joining the European Union as full members. I hope we can see that happen as soon as possible. I am sure also we will discuss the questions relating to NATO, bilateral matters, and of course economic matters in the Czechland and their relationship with the United Kingdom.

So I think we have, although only a limited amount of time, quite a heavy agenda of matters to discuss and I very much look forward to doing so, and I am very grateful to the Prime Minister for inviting me and it is good to see him again. Thank you very much.