1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Climatic Variability – 10 February 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Climatic Variability on 10th February 1987.

Mr. Wareing Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what plans he has to implement the recommendations relating to his responsibilities in the report “Social and Economic Responses to Climatic Variability” al the United Kingdom.

Mr. Major [pursuant to his reply, 27 January 1987, c. 233]: The report recommends that elderly people in danger from the cold should be made aware of the risks and sensible precautions publicised. The Health Education Council, funded by the Government, makes available each year, in conjunction with Age Concern, an information leaflet for elderly people containing simple, practical advice on keeping warm. The council has also recently launched a comprehensive pack of training and information materials on this subject for those in contact with elderly people. We believe that health and social services staff and voluntary organisations will find this initiative helpful. The report also recommends better targeting of the money available for heating additions. We believe that this will be achieved through the new income support scheme, which will provide help more directly through the premiums to those groups in greatest need. The new supplementary benefit exceptionally cold weather scheme also concentrates help on those most at risk from the cold, and on those parts of the country which are actually coldest.