1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Family Income Supplement – 24 March 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Family Income Supplement on 24th March 1987.

Mr. Ashley Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what representations have been received urging the Department not to appeal against the decision of the tribunal which adjudicated on 16 December that the child care costs incurred by a working mother with a child and no husband could be set aside in the calculation of the amount of family income supplement due to her; what decision the Department has taken on the question of an appeal; and what reply was sent to those who made representations.

Mr. Major The matter of an appeal to the Social Security Commissioner against a decision by a social security appeal tribunal is one for the independent adjudication officer and not for the Department. I understand that the adjudication officer applied to the Commissioner on 26 February for leave to appeal to him against the tribunal’s decision. As far as we are aware, no representations urging against such an appeal have been received.