1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Housing Benefit – 6 March 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Housing Benefit on 6th March 1986.

Mr. Wainwright Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many pensioner households in the area served by the Huddersfield benefit office lost housing benefit as a result of the changes which came into effect in November 1985; and how many of these lost (a) up to £1 a week, (b) between £1 and £2 a week, (c) between £3 and £4 a week and (d) more than £3 a week.

Mr. Major I regret this information is not available.

Dr. Godman Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what information he has as to the proportion of council house tenants in (a) Inverclyde, (b) Strathclyde and (c) Scotland who receive housing benefit;

(2) what information he has as to the proportion of domestic ratepayers in (a) Inverclyde, (b) Strathclyde and (c) Scotland who receive housing benefit.

Mr. Major I shall let the hon. Member have replies as soon as possible.