1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Occupational Deafness – 27 January 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Occupational Deafness on 27th January 1987.

Mr. Evans Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if he will amend the Social Security Industrial Injuries (Prescribed Diseases) Regulations to cover persons who have been employed in the glass industry and who suffer from occupational deafness;
(2) if he will invite the standing working group of the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council to investigate the extent of industrial deafness in the glass industry.

Mr. Major The Government are advised on the prescription of industrial diseases by the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council, whose standing working group is keeping the occupational deafness provisions under review. We have drawn the council’s attention to the hon. Member’s suggestion.

Mr. Evans Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he has received any representations from employers’ organisations to extend the scope of the Social Security Industrial Injuries (Prescribed Diseases) Regulations to cover workers suffering from occupational deafness, in industries and occupations other than those currently listed in the regulations.

Mr. Major We have received no representations to this effect from employers’ organisations.

Mr. Evans Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he has received any representations from trade unions to extend the scope of the Social Security Industrial Injuries (Prescribed Diseases) Regulations to cover workers suffering from occupational deafness in industries and occupations other than those currently listed in the regulations.

Mr. Major We have received a number of representations from trade unions. Their views have been passed to the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council which is keeping the occupational deafness provisions under review.