1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Retirement Pensioners – 20 January 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Retirement Pensioners on 20th January 1987.

Sir David Price Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many retirement pensioners were of the age of 80 years and above at the latest date for which figures are available.

Mr. Major About 1.8 million at March 1986.

Sir David Price Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what would be the current rate of supplement to the basic rate of retirement pension for those aged 80 years and above if that supplement had been indexed to the cost of living since its introduction in 1971.

Mr. Major If the age addition of 25 pence had been increased in line with the increase in the retail price index since its introduction in September 1971, it would have risen to £1.15 in July 1986.