1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on the McColl Report – 29 October 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on the McColl Report on 29th October 1986.

Mr. Alfred Morris Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what action has so far been taken in regard to the recommendations of the McColl report; when he will be taking any further action; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Major On publication of the McColl report in January, we asked the National Health Service management board to oversee the programme of action to develop the artificial limb and appliance centre services, and for advice on some of the major issues raised in the report. We also invited interested organisations and individuals to comment. To ensure that action was carried forward quickly, we appointed as an interim measure a general manager to head the Department’s new disablement services division.

Under the direction of the National Health Service management board and the general manager, a programme of action to improve standards of service where possible immediately is being vigorously pursued. For example, initiatives are being taken to improve transport and appointment arrangements; to ensure the availability of the full range of limb systems at each centre and to reduce delivery times; to introduce more attractive, coloured wheelchairs and a new basic wheelchair for occasional use; to improve management information and financial control systems, including the wider installation of computers; and to develop closer links with other related services for disabled people.

We have not yet completed our consideration of future organisational arrangements and certain other policy issues raised by the McColl report. I shall inform the House as soon as conclusions are reached.