1991Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 18 April 1991

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 18th April 1991.



Overseas Aid

Mr. Peter Bottomley : To ask the Prime Minister when the United Kingdom first agreed to give official overseas aid equivalent to 0.7 per cent. of annual income; and if he will list the amount in real terms and the percentage for each year since then.

The Prime Minister : The United Nations target for official development assistance to developing countries of 0.7 per cent. of GNP was accepted in principle by the British Government in 1974, although no date was set for meeting it. The United Kingdom has provided net official development assistance since then as follows:

Year |Net official |Official

|development |development

|assistance |assistance as

|£ million |percentage of GNP

|(1989 prices)


1974 |1,348 |0.36

1975 |1,395 |0.38

1976 |1,469 |0.39

1977 |1,679 |0.44

1978 |1,803 |0.45

1979 |2,100 |0.51

1980 |1,378 |0.34

1981 |1,678 |0.42

1982 |1,483 |0.37

1983 |1,457 |0.35

1984 |1,402 |0.33

1985 |1,479 |0.33

1986 |1,430 |0.31

1987 |1,331 |0.28

1988 |1,591 |0.32

1989 |1,578 |0.31



Mr. Harry Greenway : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday April 18.

The Prime Minister : This morning I presided at a meeting of the Cabinet and had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House, I shall be having further meetings later today.


East Timor

Mrs. Mahon : To ask the Prime Minister, further to his answer of 18 March, Official Report, columns 3-4, on what considerations the Government based their decision not to recognise East Timor’s right to self-determination.

The Prime Minister : The United Kingdom supported United Nations Security Council resolution 389 of 22 April 1976 which confirmed the right of the people of East Timor to self-determination. Since 1982 the United Kingdom, in company with most other member states of the European Community, has supported the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General to promote discussions between Indonesia and Portugal with a view to reaching a solution acceptable to all parties.

Mrs. Mahon : To ask the Prime Minister, further to his answer of 18 March, Official Report, columns 3-4, what guarantees he has received or what monitoring has been undertaken to ensure that Tornados sold to Indonesia have not and will not be used against the civil population of East Timor.

The Prime Minister : There has been no sale of Tornado to Indonesia.

Mrs. Mahon : To ask the Prime Minister what the Government are doing to promote United Nations resolution 35/27 of 1980 on East Timor’s right to independence.

The Prime Minister : The United Kingdom abstained on United Nations resolution 35/27 of 1980. We took the view that by so doing, in company with most European Community partners and others, we could help to promote reconciliation and the search for a diplomatic solution by Indonesia and Portugal. Since 1982, the United Kingdom has supported the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General to find a solution to the problem which is acceptable to all parties.



Mrs. Mahon : To ask the Prime Minister, further to his answer of 18 March, Official Report, columns 3-4, on what consideration the Government based their decision to recognise the right of Indonesia to self-determination.

The Prime Minister : My earlier reply referred to the right of self- defence under international law. All states have the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence.